When you contemplate the term “funding-ready,” you might imagine putting together a hefty document containing your business plan and financial statements. Then, you might envision taking it to the bank or other potential investors.

This is often the case for many companies. But how far will that document take you and your business? Will it help you become operationally sufficient? What will you do with your capital if and when you do receive funding?

The Kitchen Table Consultants (KTC) team takes a different philosophy and approach to make businesses funding-ready. Instead of putting together a cumbersome business plan and then leaving you to fend for yourself, we ensure your business is ready to run and properly manage your finances long down the road.

What You Get with KTC

What does your day-to-day look like after we step in? 

You’ll know how your business makes a profit—daily. Your managers are pulling the lever to do so, and you can present your financial story to a bank or investor directly from an existing working document.

We help clients run their businesses while simultaneously getting them ready for funding. We will build your systems alongside you and help you organize your financial statements, so they tell a great story. With a click of a button, you will be able to see your budgets and historical financials.

Additionally, your leadership team will understand those financials and how to run your business. This means you will be prepared to leverage new funding and put it to work as soon as you receive it.

In the end, you’ll end up not only funding-ready but business-ready.

More Than a Business Plan

We don’t simply build you an attractive business plan for an investor to review. We ensure that your business is operationally efficient and successful. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the crucial financial and operational aspects of your business, including:

  • Chart of Accounts and Profit & Loss (P&L) Statements: Understand the components for each and how they are related, as well as best practices.
  • Balance Sheet: Learn how your balance sheet is connected to the P&L statement and how to use both to understand and effectively manage cash flow. You’ll also understand equity and debt as sources of capital.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Learn how to perform a thorough cost analysis and create discipline, repetition, and refinement around COGS to help navigate other business decisions.
  • Margin: Understand the need to address margin in order to achieve net profit through sales growth.
  • Analysis & Troubleshooting: Assess what happens when you take specific actions. Do your systems work as intended? If so, keep focusing on that. If not, ask the hard questions about why and fix it. 
  • Daily Profit Monitoring: Having an accurate and timely set of financials is great, but it’s still like driving using your rear-view mirror. We will build a simple process and metrics that will guide your operations to profit on a daily and weekly basis.

Your investment with KTC pays for itself even if you don’t raise funds after all is said and done. In fact, some of our clients don’t obtain funding after we build their systems because their business is better prepared from an operational standpoint. This means they’re able to self-fund and leverage their existing funds in a much higher capacity instead of having to get new funds.

We’ll help you develop a system and educate you thoroughly about that system so that you will be prepared to discuss it with your team and investors. You’ll have processes and people in place that you can trust to help you run the business.

If you’re ready to take the next step and truly uplevel your business, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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